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22nd International Conference
on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia

Vienna, Austria


The International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM) is a leading annual international conference, which provides a forum for presenting the latest research results on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. The conference brings together experts from both academia and industry for a fruitful exchange of ideas and discussion on future challenges, in a comfortable and effective single-track conference format.

The 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2023) has been held in Vienna, Austria, Dec 3 — 6, 2023. The 2023 year's conference has been organized in accordance with the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel and certified as a Green Meeting, which has guaranteed low environmental impact and high quality. The many visible and invisible actions taken to achieve this are explained here while the certificate can be found here.

In addition to the peer-reviewed accepted papers, the conference program included keynote presentations, posters, and demos, among other tracks. The conference also had a co-located doctoral consortium. The technical program has been complemented by several social events, such as a chartered tram ride, dinner, mentorship lunches, and informal discussions among the conference attendees and invited guests.

A photograph of the conference participants on the stage. A photograph of vivid discussion of conference participants. A group picture of the student volunteers. A sign on the door of a tram stating to keep clear of the doors.

Important dates

Aug 22
Aug 29
Short and full papers Submission Deadline
Aug 22
Aug 29
Workshops and Tutorials Submission Deadline
Sep 15 Student Volunteers Application Deadline
Sep 17 Workshop and Tutorials Decision Notification
Sep 29 Student Volunteers Decision Notification
Oct 5 Short and full papers Decision Notification
Oct 9
Oct 13
Submission Deadline
Oct 9
Oct 13
Submission Deadline
Oct 9 Doctoral Consortium Submission Deadline
Oct 17 Doctoral Consortium Decision Notification
Oct 20 Short and full papers Camera Ready
Oct 21 Demos
Decision Notification
Nov 2 Posters
Decision Notification

Previous editions