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22nd International Conference
on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia

Vienna, Austria

Doctoral Consortium

MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia

Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023

As part of the Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MuM) conference, we conduct a joint seminar for PhD students from the various sub-disciplines related to mobile media, ubiquitous computing, and human-computer interaction. The doctoral consortium (DC) will take place on-site on Sunday, Dec 3, 2023, before the main conference.

The DC will be an opportunity for a small group of PhD students to meet and discuss their work with each other and with a panel of experienced researchers in the field, in an informal and interactive setting. We welcome applications from current PhD students studying in any area of relevance to the MUM community. PhD students at any stage of the PhD can apply. Depending on the stage the DC may provide helpful feedback for narrowing down a topic, discussing methodological and technical aspects of the ongoing research, or on the framing and presentation of the results in a thesis.

To apply for participation in the DC, we ask you to submit a 2-4 pages long paper in Word or LaTeX (using the ACM Primary Article Template). The paper should describe the context and motivation of your PhD research, the problem and aims that drive your research and your research objectives, hypothesis, and/or questions. It should further describe and explain your (proposed) research approach and methods, and include a discussion of results you may already have. Please also include the context of your PhD, i.e. the university programme in which you conduct your PhD, the status of your PhD, the expected completion date, and any other relevant information on your PhD situation.

Submissions will not be peer-reviewed. We will select students for participation with a view of prioritising those who would likely benefit most. Accepted students will be asked to prepare a presentation on their PhD research, and a poster which will be included in the MUM 2023 poster track. Submissions must be submitted via e-mail to For accepted doctoral consortium submissions, the author can select if they want the submission to be included in the conference proceedings.

If you are invited to participate, you must register regularly for the day of the PhD seminar or for the whole conference – or apply to participate free of charge as a student volunteer.

Submission Guidelines

Your submission should be 2-4 pages. Please use the template and include the following:

  • Your name, Advisor(s) name(s), and the university where you are conducting your doctoral work. Submissions should NOT be anonymous.
  • Current year of study and projected completion date (plus information about the regulations of your PhD program regarding length, any part-time study, etc.)

Please address the following questions if applicable for you research:

  • Which problem do you solve? Why is this problem important? What do you want to find out?
  • Which steps do you plan to take, and how do you evaluate your results?
  • Which research papers (not more than 3) are related most to your research? How does your work differ?
  • What have you found out so far? What’s next?
  • What’s still missing? Where do you need help? Where would you want to collaborate?

Submissions must be submitted via e-mail to

Submission deadline October 9th, 2023
Decision Notification October 17th, 2023
Camera ready deadline November 9th, 2023
Conference dates December 3th, 2023

Doctoral Colloquium Chairs

All questions about submissions should be emailed to:
Albrecht Schmidt

Albrecht Schmidt
LMU Munich

Jasmin Niess

Jasmin Niess
University of Oslo

Important dates

Aug 22
Aug 29
Short and full papers Submission Deadline
Aug 22
Aug 29
Workshops and Tutorials Submission Deadline
Sep 15 Student Volunteers Application Deadline
Sep 17 Workshop and Tutorials Decision Notification
Sep 29 Student Volunteers Decision Notification
Oct 5 Short and full papers Decision Notification
Oct 9
Oct 13
Submission Deadline
Oct 9
Oct 13
Submission Deadline
Oct 9 Doctoral Consortium Submission Deadline
Oct 17 Doctoral Consortium Decision Notification
Oct 20 Short and full papers Camera Ready
Oct 21 Demos
Decision Notification
Nov 2 Posters
Decision Notification

Previous editions