Sunday, November 25
09:15 - 11:00
Tutorials 2-3, Doctoral School
T1 - Visual Recognition Classification Optimization(canceled)Room H15- T2 - The Car as an Environment for Mobile Devices or Automotive User Interfaces in the Transition between Manual and Automated Driving Room C2.311
- T3 - Service Design Methods for Human Computer Interaction Room C2.312
- Doctoral School Room C2.306
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:30
Tutorial 2, Doctoral School (continued)
T1 - Visual Recognition Classification Optimization(canceled)Room H15- T2 - The Car as an Environment for Mobile Devices or Automotive User Interfaces in the Transition between Manual and Automated Driving Room C2.311
- Doctoral School Room C2.306
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
Workshops 1-3
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30
Workshops 1-3 (continued)
Monday, November 26
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:30

Professor Matt Jones
Swansea University, Swansea, UK
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30
Mixed and Virtual Reality
Session Chair: Niels Henze
- Evaluating Shared Surfaces for Co-Located Mixed-Presence CollaborationChristian Mai, Sarah Aragon Bartsch and Lea Rieger
- VRHapticDrones: Providing Haptics in Virtual Reality through QuadcoptersMatthias Hoppe, Pascal Knierim, Thomas Kosch, Markus Funk, Lauren Futami, Stefan Schneegass, Niels Henze, Albrecht Schmidt and Tonja Machulla
- WIM: Fast Locomotion in Virtual Reality with Spatial Orientation Gain & without Motion SicknessLaurenz Berger and Katrin Wolf
- The Context Matters: Predicting the Number of In-game Actions Using Traces of Mobile Augmented RealityPatrick Felka, Artur Sterz, Katharina Keller, Bernd Freisleben and Oliver Hinz
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
Understanding and Changing Behavior
Session Chair: Andres Lucero
- Vlogging Over Time: Longitudinal Impressions and Behavior in YouTubeDaniel Gatica-Perez, Dairazalia Sanchez-Cortes, Trinh-Minh-Tri Do, Dinesh Babu Jayagopi and Kazuhiro Otsuka
- Persuasive design of a mobile coaching app to encourage a healthy lifestyle during menopauseCaterina Senette, Maria Claudia Buzzi, Maria Teresa Paratore and Amaury Trujillo
- Can’t You Hear Me? Investigating Personal Soundscape CurationGabriel Haas, Evgeny Stemasov and Enrico Rukzio
- Supporting the Self-care Practices of Shift WorkersFrancisco Nunes, Jorge Ribeiro, Cristiana Braga and Paula Lopes
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30
Mobility and Transportation
Session Chair: Ashley Colley
- Preparing Drivers for Planned Control Transition in Automated CarsKai Holländer and Bastian Pfleging
- Guess where I go?: A Mobility Predictor for Smart VehiclesNardine Basta, Amal Elnahas, Hans-Peter Grossmann and Slim Abdennadher
- Honeypot - A Socializing App to Promote Train Commuters' WellbeingJonas Müller, Christoph Anneser, Malte Sandstede, Lea Rieger, Adnan Alhomssi, Felix Schwarzmeier, Björn Bittner, Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André
- Effects of Keyboard Background on Mobile Text EntryAshish Yadav and Ahmed Sabbir Arif
Reception + Posters/Demos/Videos/Art
- Sharing Collective Human's Eye Views for Stimulating Reflective Thinking Risa Kimura and Tatsuo Nakajima
- Exploring the Scalability of Behavioral Mid-air Gestures Authentication Yasmeen Abdrabou, Nadeen Mourad and Amr Elmougy
- TiltCrown: Extending Input on a Smartwatch with a Tiltable Digital Crown David Ahlström, Khalad Hasan, Edward Lank and Robert Liang
- Designing a Framework to Support the Development of Smart Cross-device Applications Pedro Albuquerque Santos, Rui Neves Madeira and Nuno Correia
- Preliminary Investigation of Object-based Activity Recognition Using Egocentric Video Based on Web Knowledge Tomoya Nakatani, Ryohei Kuga and Takuya Maekawa
- The Smile is The New Like: Controlling Music with Facial Expressions to Minimize Driver Distraction Michael Braun, Sarah Völkel, Gesa Wiegand, Thomas Puls, Daniel Steidl, Yannick Weiß and Florian Alt
- Al-Metyaf: a Smart Phone Application for Colorimetric Analysis Seif Hassanein, Amr Maghraby, Yousef Zook, Shaimaa Lazem, Sherif Shawky, Amira Haiba and Sherif Elkhamisy
- HP2: Using Machine Learning Model to Play Serious Game with IMU Smart Suit Heng-Yi Chen, Tse-Yu Lin, Li-Yang Huang, An-Chun Chen, Yu-Chen Zheng, Hsing-Mang Wang, Shi-Yao Wei and Yin-Yu Chou
- Exploration of a Multi-Device Smart Calendar Platform for Smart Homes Alexandra Voit, Dominik Weber, Amil Imeri, Annika Eidner, Anton Tsoulos, Daniel Koch, Kai Chen, Marcus Rottschäfer, Robin Schweiker, Steven Söhnel, Valentino Sabbatino and Niels Henze
- Proposing Design Recommendations for an Intelligent Recommender System Logging Stress Aku Visuri, Romina Poguntke and Elina Kuosmanen
- PI Floor: Portable Interactive Floor with High Resilience and Minimal Setup for Edutainment Ahmed Hamdy, Yara Abdullatif and Shaimaa Lazem
- Evaluating TP-Link Smart Plug: Perceived Usability and Effects on User Performance Nora Almadi, Nada Alay, Nafla Al-Rumayyan and Shiroq Al-Megren
- Multi-User Control for Domestic Robots with Natural Interfaces Adam Ben-Hanania, Joshua Goldberg and Jessica Cauchard
- Mobile-based Monitoring of Parkinson's Disease Elina Kuosmanen, Valerii Kan, Aku Visuri, Julio Vega, Yuuki Nishiyama, Anind K Dey, Simon Harper and Denzil Ferreira
- Mellitus: A Smartphone Application for Image Processing and Colorimetric Analysis André Rodrigues, Nuno Correia and Elvira Fortunato
- Virtual Reality for Cultural Competences Sarah Faltaous, Alia Elbolock, Mostafa Talaat, Slim Abdennadher and Stefan Schneegass
- Interactive Narrative in Virtual Reality Gilad Ostrin, Jeremy Frey and Jessica Cauchard
- eNGAGE: Resisting Shoulder surfing using Novel Gaze Gestures Authentication Yasmeen Abdrabou, Mohamed Khamis, Rana Mohamed Eisa, Sherif Ismael and Amr Elmougy
- Task Continuity and Mobile User Interfaces Khalid Majrashi, Margaret Hamilton and Alexandra Uitdenbogerd
- Design Considerations for Secure and Usable Authentication on Situated Displays Ludwig Trotter, Sarah Prange, Mohamed Khamis, Nigel Davies and Florian Alt
- SlidAR: Towards using AR in Education Sara Antoun, Jonas Auda and Stefan Schneegass
- Exploring Head Mounted Display based Augmented Reality for Factory Workers Jani Väyrynen, Mari Suoheimo, Ashley Colley and Jonna Häkkilä
Posters (Doctoral School)
- Social Multi-User VR Jens Reinhardt
- Defining Character Computing from the Perspective of Computer Science and Psychology Alia El Bolock, Cornelia Herbert and Slim Abdennadher
- Bus Travel Experience: Supporting the Digital Service Development with Design Tools in a Living Lab Bus Context Elina Hildén
- Supporting Users in EverydayLife Using Behavioural Biometrics Sarah Prange
- Implementation of a Virtual Reality Interface for a Public Library Ilya Minyaev, Matti Pouke, Johanna Ylipulli and Timo Ojala
- CVR-Analyzer: A Tool for Analyzing Cinematic Virtual Reality Viewing Patterns Sylvia Rothe, Tobias Höllerer and Heinrich Hußmann
- Can’t You Hear Me? Investigating Personal Soundscape Curation Gabriel Haas, Evgeny Stemasov and Enrico Rukzio
- Supporting the Self-care Practices of Shift Workers Francisco Nunes, Jorge Ribeiro, Cristiana Braga and Paula Lopes
- Fragments – Memory De- & Reconstruction of Historical Imaging Claudia Livia, Nilufer Zakirova and Katrin Wolf
- VR Application for Technology Education in a Public Library Harri Holappa, Johanna Ylipulli, Sami Rautiainen, Ilya Minyaev, Matti Pouke and Timo Ojala
Art Track
- Blended Museum: The Interactive Exhibition "Rebuild Palmyra?" Moritz Skowronski, Jonathan Wieland, Marcel Borowski, Daniel Fink, Carla Gröschel, Daniel Klinkhammer and Harald Reiterer
- Photo Sprayer: A VR Application for Digital Art Creation Ivana Druzetic, Fabian Büntig, Christoph Vogel, Anastasia Treskunov, Michael Bertram and Christian Geige
Tuesday, November 27
09:00 - 10:30
Analyzing and Utilizing Gaze
Session Chair: Timo Ojala
- GazeRecall: Using Gaze Direction to Increase Recall of Details in 360° VideosSylvia Rothe, Felix Althammer and Mohamed Khamis
- Facing Employers and Customers: What Do Gaze and Expressions Tell About Soft Skills?Skanda Muralidhar, Rémy Siegfried, Jean-Marc Odobez and Daniel Gatica-Perez
- CVR-Analyzer: A Tool for Analyzing Cinematic Virtual Reality Viewing PatternsSylvia Rothe, Tobias Höllerer and Heinrich Hußmann
- Smooth Pursuit Target Speeds and TrajectoriesHeiko Drewes, Mohamed Khamis and Florian Alt
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30
Privacy, Security and Work
Session Chair: Edward Lank
- Communicating Shoulder Surfing Attacks to UsersAlia Saad, Michael Chukwu and Stefan Schneegass
- User Perception of Physical, Biometric, and Behavioural Authentication Concepts to Open DoorsLukas Mecke, Ken Pfeuffer, Sarah Prange and Florian Alt
- CordovaConfig: A Tool for Mobile Hybrid Apps’ ConfigurationAbeer Aljarrah and Mohamed Shehab
- Mine, Yours, Ours: Coordination through Workspace Arrangements and Territoriality in Tabletop InteractionDaniel Klinkhammer, Magdalena Mateescu, Carmen Zahn and Harald Reiterer
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
Exploring and Designing for UX
Session Chair: Pascal Knierim
- Exploring the User Experience of Proxemic Hand and Pen Input Above and Aside a Drawing ScreenIlhan Aslan, Björn Bittner, Florian Müller and Elisabeth André
- Travel Experience Toolkit: Bus-Specific Tools for Digital Service DesignElina Hildén, Kaisa Väänänen and Pavel Chistov
- Navigating the Graveyard - Designing Technology for DeathscapesJonna Häkkilä, Meri-Tuulia Forsman and Ashley Colley
- An algorithm for music recommendation based on the user's musical preferences and desired emotionsWillian Assuncao and Vania Neris
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30
Learning and Reading
Session Chair: Jonna Häkkilä
- Judged by the Cover: Investigating the Effect of Adaptive Game Interface on the Learning ExperienceJailan Salah, Yomna Abdelrahman, Ahmed Dakrouni and Slim Abdennadher
- Virtual Library - Blending Mirror and Fantasy Layers into a VR Interface for a Public LibraryMatti Pouke, Johanna Ylipulli, Ilya Minyaev, Minna Pakanen, Paula Alavesa, Toni Alatalo and Timo Ojala
- Informing the Design of User-adaptive Mobile Language Learning ApplicationsChristina Schneegass, Nađa Terzimehić, Mariam Nettah and Stefan Schneegass
- Reading Scheduler: Proactive Recommendations to Help Users Cope with Their Daily Reading VolumeTilman Dingler, Benjamin Tag, Sabrina Lehrer and Albrecht Schmidt
Banquet / Social Event
Wednesday, November 28
09:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30
Sensing and Perception
Session Chair: Stefan Schneegass
- Exploration of Alternative Vision Modes Using Depth and Thermal CamerasYomna Abdelrahman, Pawel W. Woźniak, Pascal Knierim, Niels Henze and Albrecht Schmidt
- Mobile Users as Advertisers: User Perceptions of Product Sensitivity, Exposure, and Public InfluenceNazmus Sakib Miazi, Carlos Alberto Campos Castro and Mohamed Shehab
- Exploring the Usage of Commercial Bio-Sensors for Multitasking DetectionJailan Salah, Yomna Abdelrahman, Yasmeen Abdrabou, Khaled Kassem and Slim Abdennadher
- An Exploratory Study on Correlations of Hand Size and Mobile Touch InteractionsSarah Prange, Daniel Buschek and Florian Alt
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:30
Designing and Studying Mobile Applications
Session Chair: Fabio Paterno
- ReflectiveDiary: Fostering Human Memory through Activity Summaries Created from Implicit Data CollectionRufat Rzayev, Tilman Dingler and Niels Henze
- What People Like in Mobile Finance Apps – An Analysis of User ReviewsJohannes Huebner, Remo Manuel Frey, Christian Ammendola, Elgar Fleisch and Alexander Ilic
- Study of Accessibility Guidelines of Mobile ApplicationsMars Ballantyne, Archit Jha, Anna Jacobsen, J. Scott Hawker and Yasmine El-Glaly
14:30 - 15:00
Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:00
Observing and Enhancing Emotion
Session Chair: Yomna Abdelrahman
- Emotion Enhancement through Ubiquitous Media Technology in a Smart Kitchen EnvironmentLisa Schuhmacher, Anne Pagenkopf, Raghavendra Lingamaneni and Jürgen Scheible
- Connected Candles as Peripheral Emotional User InterfaceJonna Häkkilä, Hong Li, Saara Koskinen and Ashley Colley
- Arch’n’Smile: A Jump’n’Run Game Using Facial Expression Recognition Control For Entertaining Children During Car JourneysNiklas Müller, Bettina Eska, Richard Schäffer, Sarah Theres Völkel, Michael Braun, Gesa Wiegand and Florian Alt
16:00 - 16:30
Townhall Meeting + Closing
Full Paper (15min presentation + 5min discussion)
Short Paper (10min presentation + 5min discussion)
Best Paper Award
Honorable Mention Award
Short Paper (10min presentation + 5min discussion)
Best Paper Award
Honorable Mention Award